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Easy To Use Cash Flow Statement Template

Cash Flow Statement

Changes made in cash, accounts receivable, depreciation, inventory, and accounts payable are generally reflected in cash from operations. Disclosure of non-cash activities, which is sometimes included when prepared under generally accepted accounting principles . IAS 7 permits bank borrowings in certain countries to be included in cash equivalents rather than being considered a part of financing activities. There are several cash flow formulas depending on what you hope to learn from the cash flow statement. Run out of cash to pay your bills, and you will likely soon be out of business. Thus, it is important to understand when and where money is coming in and out of your company. Before you can see the cash going in and out of your business, you need to know how to prepare a cash flow statement.

  • Creating a cash flow statement in Excel is easy if you use a template like the one from — you can export our template as a fully-functioning XLS file.
  • The direct method simply totals up cash received and cash spent and then compares the two numbers to arrive at a cash flow number.
  • In that case, we wouldn’t truly know what we had to work with—and we’d run the risk of overspending, budgeting incorrectly, or misrepresenting our liquidity to loan officers or business partners.
  • However, free cash flow has no definitive definition and can be calculated and used in different ways.
  • The indirect method begins with net income or loss from the income statement, then modifies the figure using balance sheet account increases and decreases, to compute implicit cash inflows and outflows.

Changes in working capital are subtracted out/added to the firm’s net income as indicated in Item 2 above. However, for your actual cash flow, you need to adjust for non-cash expenses (i.e. depreciation and amortization expenses) as well as any changes in working capital .

Stay Up To Date On The Latest Accounting Tips And Training

This section deals with investing activities, like purchasing shares of stock—not financing activities such as securing funding. This section is a summation of the changes to the fixed asset account or the current liabilities account, with the exception of accounts payable. It includes purchasing or selling fixed assets, such as a plant or equipment, and issuing or buying back common stock. These five items should be reflected in a company’s statement of cash flows. Taken together, they summarize the firm’s financial position with regard to cash.

Cash Flow Statement

The balance in your checking account is your net cash flow at a specific point in time. Clearly, we can now infer that the cash flow statement and the balance sheet interact with each other. This is in line with what we had discussed earlier, i.e. all the three financial statements are interconnected.

Limitations Of The Cash Flow Statement

The section provides an overview of cash used in business financing. It measures cash flow between a company and its owners and its creditors, and its source is normally from debt or equity. These figures are generally reported annually on a company’s 10-K report to shareholders . Most public companies use accrual accounting, which means the income statementis not the same as the company’s cash position. The first section of the cash flow statement is cash flow from operations, which includes transactions from all operational business activities. A cash flow statement provides data regarding all cash inflows a company receives from its ongoing operations and external investment sources. Cash flow from investing activities reports the total change in a company’s cash position from investment gains/losses and fixed asset investments.

Cash Flow Statement

As such, they can use the statement to make better, more informed decisions about their investments. The cash flow statement shows actual cash inflows and outflows of a business over a specified period of time, usually a month or a quarter. The statement then compares cash received to cash spending to determine if a business is cash flow negative or positive. The cash flow statement also often shows how much cash a business has on hand at the end of a given period of time. Cash flow analysis helps you understand if a business’s healthy bank account balance is from sales, debt, or other financing. This type of analysis may uncover unexpected problems, or it may show a healthy operating cash flow. But you don’t know either way until you review your cash flow statements or perform a cash flow analysis.

Management may be using aggressive revenue recognition to report revenue for which cash receipts are still some time in the future. Let’s say we’re creating a cash flow statement for Greg’s Popsicle Stand for July 2019. Cash Flow from Investing Activities is cash earned or spent from investments your company makes, such as purchasing equipment or investing in other companies. Cash Flow from Operating Activities is cash earned or spent in the course of regular business activity—the main way your business makes money, by selling products or services. But here’s what you need to know to get a rough idea of what this cash flow statement is doing. In our examples below, we’ll use the indirect method of calculating cash flow. The direct method takes more legwork and organization than the indirect method—you need to produce and track cash receipts for every cash transaction.

We begin with reasons why the statement of cash flows is a required financial statement. At the bottom of the SCF is a reference to inform the readers that the notes to the financial statements should be considered as part of the financial statements. The notes provide additional information such as disclosures of significant exchanges of items that did not involve cash, the amount paid for income taxes, and the amount paid for interest. Whether you’re a manager, entrepreneur, or individual contributor, understanding how to create and leverage financial statements is essential for making sound business decisions. To help visualize each section of the cash flow statement, here’s an example of a fictional company generated using the indirect method.

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This method is based on accrual accounting and includes cash inflows and outflows that are recorded in the general ledger, but the cash may not have been received or spent. The statement of cash flows is one of the financial statements issued by a business, and describes the cash flows into and out of the organization. Its particular focus is on the types of activities that create and use cash, which are operations, investments, and financing. A smaller organization may not release a statement of cash flows for internal use, preferring to only issue an income statement and balance sheet. However, it is a required part of the audited financial statements that are released to lenders, creditors, regulators, and investors. The statement of cash flows acts as a bridge between the income statement and balance sheet by showing how money moved in and out of the business.

Now that we’ve got a sense of what a statement of cash flows does and, broadly, how it’s created, let’s check out an example. While income statements are excellent for showing you how much money you’ve spent and earned, they don’t necessarily tell you how much cash you have on hand for a specific period of time.

  • The cash account on the balance sheet should reflect the total cash available to the firm as calculated on the statement of cash flows.
  • Disclosure of non-cash activities, which is sometimes included when prepared under generally accepted accounting principles .
  • The statement of cash flows is one of three financial statements that a business has to prepare at the end of each accounting period.
  • Finally, once cash flows from the three main types of business activities are accounted for, you can determine the ending balance of cash and cash equivalents at the close of the reporting period.

The statement of cash flows provides valuable information about a company’s incoming and outgoing cash and allows insights into its future cash needs. With the direct method, you need to know the exact amount of physical cash you have on hand at all times. Since it requires more information to create the cash flow statement with the direct method, most businesses use the indirect. The operations section of your business’s cash flow statement shows that your business is generating enough money from sales to keep up with expenses. If a customer makes a purchase without paying, do not include it on your cash flow statement. And, if you buy something from a supplier on credit, you will not include it on your cash flow statement until you pay it.

How Do You Do A Simple Cash Flow In Excel?

She has expertise in finance, investing, real estate, and world history. Kirsten is also the founder and director of Your Best Edit; find her on LinkedIn and Facebook. Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master’s in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology.

Cash Flow Statement

The beginning cash balance is how much cash was available at the start of the period you chose for your cash flow statement. Other cash or noncash adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided by operating activities that are not separately disclosed in the statement of cash flows . This element excludes distributions that constitute a return of investment, which are classified as investing activities. The Cash Flow Statement report shows how your company’s cash position has changed over a period of time, so you can assess your company’s current financial position and set goals for its future. Most transactions relating to the sale or purchase of property, equipment, or other non-current assets are included in your investing activities, as are any expenses tied up in mergers or acquisitions. The balance sheet connects to the cash flow statement in that it also records the amount of cash a business has on hand. In addition to this key metric, the balance sheet lists a business’s assets and liabilities.

Is It Possible To Have Positive Cash Flow And Negative Net Income?

With formulas, you can quickly calculate various financial ratios to analyze future performance in specific situations. Plus, it’s easy to generate different versions of the same pro forma statement, helping you compare Cash Flow Statement different scenarios side-by-side. Doing quarterly reports on your company’s cash flow can keep you more in touch with how money flows in and out of your business, enabling you to make course corrections as needed.

  • The ending cash on hand will be equal to the beginning cash on hand for the next period.
  • To fix your cash flow, you need more money coming into your business (increase sales, collect past-due accounts receivable), less money going out of your business , and less money tied up in your business .
  • With’s cash flow statement template, you can use the drag-and-drop builder to create a helpful yet visually appealing financial statement that you can reuse again and again.
  • So, even if you see income reported on your income statement, you may not have the cash from that income on hand.
  • The 2021 update of this Roadmap includes several new discussions as well as some modifications to previously expressed views.
  • A small business may be profitable but still not have the cash needed to pay employees, vendors, or creditors.

There are two methods of producing a statement of cash flows, the direct method, and the indirect method. There is no specific guidance on which profit amount should be used in the reconciliation. Different companies use operating profit, profit before tax, profit after tax, or net income. Clearly, the exact starting point for the reconciliation will determine the exact adjustments made to get down to an operating cash flow number. These three different sections of the cash flow statement can help investors determine the value of a company’s stock or the company as a whole.

Free Cash Flow Statement Template

For example, the purchase of a tractor is a cash outflow if you pay cash at the time of purchase as shown in the example in Table 1. If money is borrowed for the purchase using a term loan, the down payment is a cash outflow at the time of purchase and the annual principal and interest payments are cash outflows each year as shown in Table 2. A cash flow statement is a listing of cash flows that occurred during the past accounting period. A projection of future flows of cash is called a cash flow budget. You can think of a cash flow budget as a projection of the future deposits and withdrawals to your checking account. A cash flow statement is one of the most important financial statements for a project or business.

This new financial statement was the genesis of the cash flow statement that is used today. The cash account on the balance sheet should reflect the total cash available to the firm as calculated on the statement of cash flows. Cash flow statements are prepared using either the direct or the indirect method.

Using A Cash Flow Statement Template

There are a few major items to look out for trends and outliers that can tell you a lot about the health of the business. Although the indirect method is most commonly used by companies, an analyst can generally convert it to an approximation of the direct format by following a simple three-step process.

Essentially, the cash flow statement is concerned with the flow of cash in and out of the business. As an analytical tool, the statement of cash flows is useful in determining the short-term viability of a company, particularly its ability to pay bills. International Accounting Standard 7 is the International Accounting Standard that deals with cash flow statements. The cash flow statement provides information about a company’s cash receipts and cash payments during an accounting period. The cash-based information provided by the cash flow statement contrasts with the accrual-based information from the income statement. A reconciliation between reported income and cash flows from operating activities provides useful information about when, whether, and how a company is able to generate cash from its operating activities.

The majority of businesses prefer using the indirect method for creating their cash flow statement because it doesn’t require as much information as the direct method. The indirect method is not as clear on where exactly money is coming and going in the operations section. One way to finance your small business is to get a loan from the bank.

What Is An Adjusted Trial Balance?

Adjusted Trial Balance

Adjusted trial balance is not a part of financial statements rather it is a statement or source document for internal use. It is mostly helpful in situations where financial statements are manually prepared. If the organization is using some kind of accounting software, the bookkeeper/accountant just need to pass the journal entries . The software automatically updates/adjusts the relevant ledger accounts and generates financial statements for the use of various stakeholders. The preparation of statement of cash flows, however, requires a lot of additional information.

Ledger AccountsLedger in accounting records and processes a firm’s financial data, taken from journal entries. This becomes an important financial record for future reference. $4,000Total$14,000$14,000In this unadjusted trial balance, the accountant entered each transaction twice, so the totals balance.

Adjusted Trial Balance

If the final balance in the ledger account (T-account) is a debit balance, you will record the total in the left column of the trial balance. If the final balance in the ledger account (T-account) is a credit balance, you will record the total in the right column. Marketing Consulting Service Inc. adjusts its ledger accounts at the end of each month. The unadjusted trial balance on December 31, 2015 and adjusting entries for the month of December are given below.

When Is The Adjusted Trial Balance Calculated?

We’ll explain more about what an adjusted trial balance is, and what the difference is between a trial balance and an adjusted trial balance. The adjusting entries in the example are for the accrual of $25,000 in salaries that were unpaid as of the end of July, as well as for $50,000 of earned but unbilled sales. Income statement, also known as a profit and loss (P&L) statement. The adjusted trial balance for Bold City Consulting is presented in Figure 1. Prepare horizontal balance sheet for the following trial balance. Step 5 − To comply with accrual rules of accounting, entries are adjusted accordingly .

  • It does not show the details of transactions regarding the accounts.
  • An adjusted trial balance is created after all adjusting entries have been posted into the appropriate general ledger account.
  • Adjusting entries are prepared to correct and update the initial version of the trial balance which is the unadjusted trial balance.
  • Before software fundamentally changed how accounting is done for individuals and businesses of all sizes, bookkeeping had to be done by hand in physical journals and ledgers.
  • 2.An unadjusted trial balance is basically used before all the adjustments will be made.
  • And, you need financial statements to make decisions about your business, secure funding, and more.
  • At the bottom of the table, the debit and credit columns are totaled.

Examples of prepayment include loan repayment before the due date, prepaid bills, rent, salary, insurance premium, credit card bill, income tax, sales tax, line of credit, etc. Using information from the asset, liability and equity accounts in the trial balance, you can prepare a balance sheet. Missing transaction adjustments account for the transactions you forgot about while bookkeeping (e.g. a business purchase on your personal credit card).

Second Method

Our priority at The Blueprint is helping businesses find the best solutions to improve their bottom lines and make owners smarter, happier, and richer. That’s why our editorial opinions and reviews are ours alone and aren’t inspired, endorsed, or sponsored by an advertiser. Editorial content from The Blueprint is separate from The Motley Fool editorial content and is created by a different analyst team. Sage 50cloudaccounting offers a comprehensive company overview dashboard. As an added bonus, QuickBooks Premier and Enterprise also include industry-specific features designed for nonprofits, manufacturing, or retail businesses. AccountEdge Pro pricing varies, depending on whether you choose the on-premise application or opt for cloud connectivity. AccountEdge Pro’s on-site application charges a one-time fee of $399, while the cloud application, Priority Zoom, starts at $50/month for up to 5 users, with additional licenses $50/month.

  • The income summary account now has a balance equal to the company’s net income or net loss.
  • This occurs if transactions are missing or recorded wrong but in a way that balances.
  • Because there are so many types of accounts and incoming and outgoing money you need to keep track of, it’s easy to make mistakes.
  • If you’re doing your accounting by hand, the trial balance is the keystone of your accounting operation.
  • Financial statements aren’t immediately prepared as soon as accounting books are opened.
  • In that case, it’s necessary to go back through the general ledger, find the error, and resolve it.
  • The income statement reports the revenues and the expenses to determine net income or net loss over a period of time.

Just like in the unadjusted trial balance, total debits and total credits should be equal. A deferral is when you remove a transaction that does not belong in the accounting cycle you’re balancing.


The general purpose of producing a trial balance is to ensure the entries in a company’s bookkeeping system are mathematically correct. A trial balance includes all the totals from your general ledger accounting for a specified time period. For each account, you should assign a number and description (like cash, accounts receivable, taxes, etc.). In another column, record the balance amount of the credits and debits for each account. Standard General Ledger account numbers in numerical order with attributes and balances prepared at a specified date (i.e., year-end). Federal entities submit Governmentwide Treasury Account Symbol System Adjusted Trial Balance by the Treasury Account Symbol , which includes USSGL accounts with attributes.

While Adjusted Trial balance possesses column format, but extra columns are also added for end-time entries. 3.An adjusted trial balance shows an additional account regarding the net/loss of income. Lastly, any accounts that affect the cash flow will be used in the preparation of cash flow statements. The adjusted trial balance captures the necessary adjustment such as accruals, deferral, depreciation, amortization, etc. Take note though that the adjusted trial balance is not a financial statement.

The end result is a decrease in the supplies account and an increase in the supplies expense account balances. This takes care of the cost of supplies used by the company during this accounting period. Before you balance your accounts, make sure that you have a record of all transactions of money or assets coming into and out of your accounts. Having a record of the correct transactions can make correcting your trial balance sheet much easier. When using the double-entry accounting method, record all transactions as credits and debits. If you have a discrepancy between the two, you can refer to your record of transactions to correct those transactions.


The accounting cycle begins the moment a financial transaction occurs and ends when the transaction is recorded in a company’s financial statements. At this point, income summary has the same balance whether adjusting or closing entries are used to update inventory. If adjusting entries are used, four separate entries contribute to the income summary account’s balance. Adjusted Trial balance is a combined sheet in which data regarding income sheets and balance sheets are stored in a column manner. This trial balance provides an adjustment facility or modification facility even at the end period of accounting. This statement is sometimes print out with the financial statements and sometimes is not. In most cases, we use only one template to prepare the trial balance by including both unadjusted and adjusted trial balance.

  • Since the company produces quarterly financial statements, the time accounted for in each accounting period is 3 months.
  • Each individual’s unique needs should be considered when deciding on chosen products.
  • Unadjusted Trial balance is used to record only data regarding account balances and, as data in it cannot be modified or changed, this trial balance is less accurate as compared to Adjusted Trial balance.
  • Before the end of the accounting period, adjusting entries are made to bring the accounts up to date.
  • Federal entities must include the required attributes with the appropriate USSGL accounts .
  • The additional accounts include sales, sales returns and allowances, sales discounts, purchases, purchases returns and allowances, purchases discounts, and freight‐in.
  • The adjusted trial balance is a report that lists all the accounts of a company and their balances after adjustments have been made.

This is good point to remember that the compulsion of describing ‘adjusted’ is relatively less as comparing to the case of unadjusted trial balance. Adjusted trial balance is a list of all the accounts of a business with their adjusted balances. The income summary account now has a balance equal to the company’s net income or net loss. Verification of total debt balances to credit balances of all accounts. The Unadjusted Trial balance sheet is always divided into columns.

Can A Trial Balance Save Your Business?

It offers both on-site installation as well as cloud access, and is a good fit for growing businesses that are looking for accounting software that can grow with them. Now that we’ve answered, what is the purpose of a trial balance, it’s important to learn how to create one. Janet Berry-Johnson is a CPA with 10 years of experience in Adjusted Trial Balance public accounting and writes about income taxes and small business accounting. The adjusting entries for the first 11 months of the year 2015 have already been made. The information featured in this article is based on our best estimates of pricing, package details, contract stipulations, and service available at the time of writing.

Unadjusted Trial balance is used to record only data regarding account balances and, as data in it cannot be modified or changed, this trial balance is less accurate as compared to Adjusted Trial balance. It can also be referred to as the summary of all account balances. We cannot shrug off the fact that the purpose of having a trial balance in accounting is truly inevitable. With a trial balance, we are ensured that the reporting is accurate. With the help of both the adjusted and unadjusted type of trial balance, the work of a bookkeeper or an accountant become less burdensome. The revenue and expenses accounts will be used for the preparation of the income statement. At the end of an accounting period, some journal entries are entered into the general journal.

Let’s say the florist company Flowers, Inc. is creating a trial balance for the year. Their cash, rental expenses, and office supply accounts all increased in the chosen time period. Flowers, Inc. also made revenue through floral sales and received an investment from its owner, which would be marked in the credit column. A trial balance is a bookkeeping worksheet that compiles all the ledgers of a business and ensures that the credit and debit columns are equal—that is, both credits and debits balance. Trial balances are formulated on a regular basis, typically when a financial reporting period comes to an end.

Adjusted Trial Balance

Finally, you can prepare a statement of cash flows using information found in any of the accounts that interacts with the cash accounts in the trial balance. Adjusting entries are all about making sure that your financial statements only contain information that is relevant to the particular period of time you’re interested in. Journal entries are usually posted to the ledger on a continuous basis, as soon as business transactions occur, to make sure that the company’s books are always up to date.

If the two numbers are unequal, you have an unbalanced trial balance. In double-entry accounting, your debits must equal your credits.

While a general ledger records every financial transaction in every account, a trial balance is only concerned with the account totals. The process of recording everything twice can seem counterintuitive at first—but it will make sense with practice. Some very small and simple businesses might be able to use a single entry accounting method, but the vast majority of businesses should use the double-entry method. Although merchandising and service companies use the same four closing entries, merchandising companies usually have more temporary accounts to close. The additional accounts include sales, sales returns and allowances, sales discounts, purchases, purchases returns and allowances, purchases discounts, and freight‐in. Adjusted entries are posted in the ledger account then, ledger balances are corrected with new entries and posted them in trial balance. To construct an income statement, statement of cash flow and balance sheet.

How To Prepare An Adjusted Trial Balance With Example

QuickBooks Online is the browser-based version of the popular desktop accounting application. It has extensive reporting functions, multi-user plans and an intuitive interface. The Structured Query Language comprises several different data types that allow it to store different types of information… Double-entry accounting was invented around 500 years ago and is a foundational element to our modern economic system all these centuries later. The main aim of using the Adjusted Trial balance method is to improve the balances and correct any inaccuracy that may have occurred due to calculation mistakes or any other mistakes. Refer to accounts that can either increase or reduce tax obligations (e.g. write-off of bad debts, depreciation and amortization, etc.). These “missing transactions” often come to attention at end of the period.

Overview: What Is An Adjusted Trial Balance In Accounting?

Start by looking at your accounts receivable and inventory entries . If your debits and credits are unequal, you must find ways to balance the accounts. You could have unequal debits and credits as a result of incorrectly posting accounting entries, forgetting to record an account, or miscalculating. It would be great if the first shot at an unadjusted trial balance results in totally balanced accounts, but this is probably not the case.

Davetiye / Invitation

  • 5-8 Temmuz tarihlerinde düzenlenmiş olan kongremiz başarı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. İlgili Fotoğraflar için tıklayınız.
  • The congress held on 5-8 July was successful. Click for Related Photos.
Dear Colleagues and Scientists,

With the support of Kırıkkale University and İstanbul Kültür University, II. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress – Social and Human Sciences (BILMES SC-HM 2018) will be held in Ürgüp, Nevşehir on 05-08/07/2018. We believe that the participants who will take part in our international quality conference will contribute their scientific and vocational studies by sharing their knowledge and experience in various fields.

The Congress will consist of oral presentations. Presentation languages are Turkish or English. The main topics of the congress are given in below;

  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Banking
  • Geography
  • Study Economics and End.Relations
  • Behavioral Sciences
  • Demography
  • Linguistics
  • Literature
  • Educational Sciences
  • Educational Technology
  • Econometrics
  • Economy
  • Philosophy
  • Journalism and Media Studies
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Fine Arts
  • Law
  • Communication Sciences
  • Human Resource Management
  • Women’s Studies
  • Public Administration
  • Rural Development
  • Finance
  • Vocational
  • Architecture
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Marketing
  • Psychology
  • Recreation
  • Health Care Management
  • Art History
  • Political Science
  • Social Services
  • Social Policy
  • Social Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Sport Science
  • Criminal Science
  • Violence Research
  • History
  • Tourism
  • International Relations
  • Management Information Systems
  • Management and Organization
  • Other topics

The presentations will be held in conference halls in English or Turkish. Presentations language will be preferred by the presenters. Also, Abstract and Full Text (Not Necessary) of the Presented Papers will be published in the proceedings as e-books. Selected notifications will be published in the International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal (ISVOS Journal)  or Kırıkkale University Journal of Social Science”  or The Journal of Social Science in the next issue.

We will be happy and honored to see you in our congress.


Değerli Meslektaşlarımız ve Bilim İnsanları,

Kırıkkale Üniversitesi ve İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi desteği ile 05-08 / 07 / 2018 tarihinde ikincisini gerçekleştireceğimiz II. Uluslararası Bilimsel ve Mesleki Çalışmalar Kongresi – Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler (BILMES SC-HM 2018) Nevşehir Ürgüp’te düzenlenecektir. Uluslararası nitelikte olan kongremizde, yer alacak katılımcılar çalıştıkları çeşitli alanlarda bilgi, birikim ve tecrübelerini paylaşarak bilimsel ve mesleki çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağı inancındayız.

Kongre sözlü sunumlardan oluşacaktır. Sunum dili Türkçe veya İngilizce’dir. Kongremizdeki ana konular aşağıda verilmiştir;

  • Antropoloji
  • Arkeoloji
  • Bankacılık
  • Coğrafya
  • Çalışma Ekonomisi ve End. İlişkileri
  • Davranış Bilimleri
  • Demografi
  • Dil Bilimi
  • Edebiyat
  • Eğitim Bilimleri
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Sunumlar, kongre salonlarında İngilizce ve Türkçe olmak üzere konuşmacının tercih edeceği dilde yapılacaktır. Ayrıca kongrede sunulan bildirilerin özet metinleri ve tam metinleri (Zorunlu Değildir) e-kitap olarak basılacaktır. Seçilen bildiriler, ilgili sayıda  Uluslararası Bilimsel ve Mesleki Çalışmaları Dergisi (ISVOS Journal)  yada  Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi yada Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Sobider) dergilerinde yayınlanacaktır. (Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi özel sayı yayınlayacaktır.)

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